Is Pakistan Use CORONA VIRUS As Biometric Wepon Against INDIA.

Is Pakistan Use VIRUS As Biometric Weapon Against INDIA.

How Covid 19 use as Biometric Weapon

As we know condition of whole world,This virus is perfect for Biometric Weapon because is product chain reaction as like Atomic Bomb. But this Virus can use more harmful as compare to Atomic Bomb.
And no one get any proof COVID 19 is an accident in china (In WUHAN markit) and some local News channel said that China try to make Bio Weapon but something get wrong and Virus is viral in whole world.
Virus use as Bio weapon is easy and more effect as compare to Atomic Bomb. Few effected people can completely destroy.

How Pakistan Use VIRUS As Biometric Weapon Against INDIA.

We got a news from DEEP & Dark web and local news channel also conform this news.
Is that the Pakistan make a new Terror Launch Pad but this Launch pad is different in this Launch pad Pakistan have some infected people from corona and Pakistan plans send those infected people in India.

Why Some Muslim Cleric(Molvi) Can't Obey Lockdown Rule In India

As you read above Pakistan make new launch pad of infected people and try to send those people in India that's why in India some Muslim Cleric (Molvis) don't obey lockdown rule and try to make attention on him and try to make apportunity for Pakistan.they send those infected people in India
The Indian new regularly show those news in which Muslim don't obey the rule and go to majid(temple) and read Namaz(prayer) 
every day we all got a new videos of Muslims in which they do many those thing which is not good for now this time and also in some kind of video they give a message which is that we can't obey the rule and we keep up it this things.
because they can try to make attention on him self and make golden apportunity for Pakistan and Pakistan do this kind of this because they try to make weak and also do this thing for get control on one of the most important state Kashmir.

Why Lockdown Is Increased

As you read what was Pakistan plan for India and what kind of launch pad they made for India That's why P.M Increased this lockdown and virus is also the problem but some people said that from the side of P.O.K some people get come inside the India and Indian Army also find this type of marks which is proof  this type of Terror Launch pad is real.


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